

If you have taken the TSI assessment at another institution within the last five years, 用你的全名和CWID号码发送电子邮件
to TSI_info@vaftizo.com 要求我们从国家数据库里调出你的成绩.


如果你认为你有TSI豁免,请离开 在这里 to review a list of exemptions you can submit in lieu of taking the TSI assessment.


NOTE: 科林大学 can only provide TSI testing for 科林大学 students.


不确定TSI上会有什么,想做准备? 试试我们 TSI学习世界杯买球盘口页面.



  1. 申请科林

    Complete your Collin application and receive your CWID number through email from Admissions.


  2. 以强制性预评估为例

    The Pre-Assessment Activity is designed to help you understand the importance of the TSI评估. It includes sample test questions and feedback and will take approximately 30分钟完成. 


    Follow these steps to set up your account before taking the PAA:

    1. Read all instructions, then click the blue button link to go to the PAA website.
    2. 点击“不要开账户? 注册”链接.

    3. 使用您的2022世界杯买球盘口CWID号码作为学生证.
    4. Enter your first and last names as entered on your application to 科林大学.
    5. 输入您的出生日期(mm/dd/yyyy).
    6. 使用个人邮箱,而不是学校邮箱.
    7. Choose "科林大学 Community College District" as the institution name.
    Once your account set up is completed, you will be taken to the practice test area. 参加题目为“德州成功倡议2.预评估活动(TSIA2 - PAA)." You must complete the entire activity to get your completion certificate and count 是完整的.

    You are welcome to take other practice exams, but they are not required.


    You can attach your completion certificate to your TSI registration, or print your completion certificate or login to your Accuplacer practice account to show a copy of it to Testing Center staff when you come to your appointment.

  3. 选项1 -亲自测试

    In-Person testing is available at each of our campus testing centers. 在学校参加TSI考试的费用是29美元. Click a campus below to schedule your exam and pay for your assessment. 平均而言, 完整的TSI可能需要4-5小时才能完成. 一定要做好相应的计划 安排考试时间.

  4. 选项2 -远程测试


    • - 在线 testing is offered through a virtual testing platform called ProctorU.
        • - You will be required to sign up for a ProctorU account (after receiving your voucher).
    • -一台台式机或笔记本电脑(没有chromebook或平板电脑).
    • -网络摄像头和麦克风.
    • —稳定的互联网连接.
    • - A quiet space w在这里 you can test without interruption and be alone in the room.
    • - A 15-minute break is allowed when using the virtual testing option.
    • -能够静坐5个小时或更长时间来完成评估.
    • -有可接受的带照片的身份证明.

    If you cannot meet these requirements, please plan to take your assessments at one 在步骤3 -选项1中列出的我们的校园测试中心.





    额外费用: If you want to make your testing appointment prior to 72 hours after receiving your voucher, you will be responsible for additional fees paid directly to ProctorU.


    - 72小时前=另加$5.00
    - 24小时前=额外8美元.00



    • - Click a campus below to complete your request using the same personal information 在你的身份证上,并支付你的评估费用.
    • - In up to 2 business days, you will receive an email message from Accuplacer.组织与 您的TSI凭证信息. The campus you choose will generate your voucher to be administered online by ProctorU.



    • - Please check your junk/spam mail folders for your voucher email from accuplacer.org.
    • - Be sure to sign up for your ProctorU account using the same personal information 这在你的代金券上.
    • - When registering for the test through ProctorU, choose **College Board (ACCUPLACER)** 作为机构. (之后你会选择2022世界杯买球盘口作为部门).


    If you need to expedite your testing, you will need to test in person at one of our 学校的位置. 现场注册详情请参见步骤3 -选项1.


Complete your Collin application and receive your CWID number through email from Admissions.



The Pre-Assessment Activity is designed to help you understand the importance of the TSI评估. It includes sample test questions and feedback and will take approximately 30分钟完成. 


Follow these steps to set up your account before taking the PAA:

1. Read all instructions, then click the blue button link to go to the PAA website.
2. 点击“不要开账户? 注册”链接.

3. 使用您的2022世界杯买球盘口CWID号码作为学生证.
4. Enter your first and last names as entered on your application to 科林大学.
5. 输入您的出生日期(mm/dd/yyyy).
6. 使用个人邮箱,而不是学校邮箱.
7. Choose "科林大学 Community College District" as the institution name.
Once your account set up is completed, you will be taken to the practice test area. 参加题目为“德州成功倡议2.预评估活动(TSIA2 - PAA)." You must complete the entire activity to get your completion certificate and count 是完整的.

You are welcome to take other practice exams, but they are not required.


You can attach your completion certificate to your TSI registration, or print your completion certificate or login to your Accuplacer practice account to show a copy of it to Testing Center staff when you come to your appointment.


In-Person testing is available at each of our campus testing centers. 在学校参加TSI考试的费用是29美元. Click a campus below to schedule your exam and pay for your assessment. 平均而言, 完整的TSI可能需要4-5小时才能完成. 一定要做好相应的计划 安排考试时间.










  • - 在线 testing is offered through a virtual testing platform called ProctorU.
      • - You will be required to sign up for a ProctorU account (after receiving your voucher).
  • -一台台式机或笔记本电脑(没有chromebook或平板电脑).
  • -网络摄像头和麦克风.
  • —稳定的互联网连接.
  • - A quiet space w在这里 you can test without interruption and be alone in the room.
  • - A 15-minute break is allowed when using the virtual testing option.
  • -能够静坐5个小时或更长时间来完成评估.
  • -有可接受的带照片的身份证明.

If you cannot meet these requirements, please plan to take your assessments at one 在步骤3 -选项1中列出的我们的校园测试中心.





额外费用: If you want to make your testing appointment prior to 72 hours after receiving your voucher, you will be responsible for additional fees paid directly to ProctorU.


- 72小时前=另加$5.00
- 24小时前=额外8美元.00



  • - Click a campus below to complete your request using the same personal information 在你的身份证上,并支付你的评估费用.
  • - In up to 2 business days, you will receive an email message from Accuplacer.组织与 您的TSI凭证信息. The campus you choose will generate your voucher to be administered online by ProctorU.



  • - Please check your junk/spam mail folders for your voucher email from accuplacer.org.
  • - Be sure to sign up for your ProctorU account using the same personal information 这在你的代金券上.
  • - When registering for the test through ProctorU, choose **College Board (ACCUPLACER)** 作为机构. (之后你会选择2022世界杯买球盘口作为部门).


If you need to expedite your testing, you will need to test in person at one of our 学校的位置. 现场注册详情请参见步骤3 -选项1.










If you believe you meet the requirements to have have an exemption or waiver and do 不需要进行TSI测试,请遵循以下步骤:


1. Send an email with your full name and CWID number in the message (注:请预留2-3个工作日处理您的申请.)

2. 附上非官方副本 所需的文件,如所述的 豁免和弃权页

3. 将这些信息和文件发送至: TSI_info@vaftizo.com

4. Please see the link below for details on various types of exemptions:





The Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2) is a program designed to determine if a student is ready for college-level course work in the general areas of English 语言艺术与阅读(ELAR)和数学. TSIA2要求这一切都是新的 students entering Texas public colleges and universities be assessed in the basic skills of reading/writing and mathematics unless the student is not subject to the TSI或其他豁免. 根据评估结果,学生可能是 enrolled in a college-level course that matches their skill level or placed in the appropriate developmental course or intervention to improve skills and prepare the 成功完成大学课程的学生.


The Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2) does not apply to a student who:

  • has earned an associate or baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher education;
  • transfers from a private or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has satisfactorily completed college-level coursework in the corresponding subject area with a grade of D or better;
  • is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of 美国;
  • on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of 美国;
  • is enrolled in a workforce certificate program of one year or less (includes Level 1 Certificates and Occupational Skill Awards); or
  • is enrolled in high school and is not a degree seeking student at an institution of 高等教育(i).e. 没有提交学位计划的双学分学生 并且不需要这样做).




If you have met the college level requirements for math through TSI testing or an exemption and you would like to try to test into a higher level math course, see the 以下是可供选择的链接: